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Meliola thalliformis var. major D. J. Soares & R. W. Barreto
Family: MeliolaceaeGenus: Meliola
Colonies on living leaves, predominantly hypophyllous, mostly on the leaf-veins, crustose, to velvety, very densely thalliform, black, seemingly strongly parasitic, directly associated with amphigenous pale brown circular to elliptical leaf spots, 5–40 mm in diam. Hyphae slightly undulate, branching alternate or opposite at acute to wide angle, closely reticulate and thalloid, cells 23–45 x 5.5–11 μm. Appressoria alternate to unilateral, brown to dark brown, straight to slightly curved, 23.5–49 μm long, stalk cells cylindrical, 6.5–23 x 6–9 μm, head cells subglobose to ovate, sometimes angulose, 13–20.5 x 10–16 μm. Phialides separate, on loosely radiating hyphae growing on a upper level above the mycelial plate, opposite or alternate, brown, ampuliform, 14–25 x 7–9.5 μm. Mycelial setae very numerous, both scattered to and grouped around perithecia, mostly widely curved, hooked, rarely substraight, up to 454 x 6–9.5 μm long, dark brown, smooth, tip simple, obtuse, entire, or rounded. Perithecia black, scattered, globose, with crenate to crenulate surfaces, up to 260 μm in diam. Ascospores brown, oblong, obtuse, 4-septate, slightly constricted at septa, 47–61.5 x 12–19.5 μm, smooth.